Nichole Elizabeth Avoyne-Clemens


Flight Attendant – Age 44

Croissy-sur-Seine, France – French Citizen

Elizabeth Nichole Avoyone, known as “Babette” was from Croissy-Sur-Seine, France. Babette was “everyone’s idea of a chic and charming Frenchwoman.” She was born in Calvados on May 5, 1944 and studied in Paris. She loved to travel and entertain at home and it was because she did both with such flair and vitality that she was so good as a flight attendant. She radiated sincerity when showing interest and care for people both professionally and privately. Her genuineness in dealing with others set a fine, professional example for her flying partners. The mother of a five year old, she married her childhood sweetheart, who, at the time of their marriage was a widower with two small children. Babette came to Pan Am on March 2, 1968 and was based in Miami, Seattle, and Washington before becoming one of the founding members of the London base in 1972. She is survived by her husband, Didier Clement; one daughter, Aude (born in 1983); a stepson, Jean-Francois; and a stepdaughter, Sophie.


Muffy Harmar: Babette Avoyne was French and was at the Training School in Miami when I first started.  She had married fairly recently and was commuting from France.  She had just had a baby and had recently returned from maternity leave.  She was an excellent flight attendant and very charming. 

When I telephoned the families of the crew first thing on the 22nd to confirm they had been on the flight I particularly remember speaking to Babette’s husband because I had met him previously.  Although my french was fairly fluent, I found it difficult to convey how I truly felt. I later met him at the London base Memorial Service.  I often think about her and what happened to her daughter.  Very sadly, Babette had been working upstairs and her body was found in the nosecone with the three other pilots.  I always think of her when that famous photograph of the nose cone is shown, even today after twenty-six years. 

4 thoughts on “

Nichole Elizabeth Avoyne-Clemens

  1. Bonjour Aude. Je cherche à joindre la fille d’Elisabeth et je tombe sur ce post. Merci de répondre si vous êtes bien sa fille.
    Bernard Ri… Ami et cousin d’Elisabeth…

  2. Dear Aude,

    My name is Joyce Danoekoesoemo and I have such wonderful memories about your Mother. We flew together,came to visit her in Paris and had a marvellous holiday in Kashmir.
    I miss her very, very much.
    I wish you always well Aude and the same for Sophie and Jean-Francois.
    Je t’embrasse tres forte.


  3. Aude,
    I have often wondered about you and how extraordinary how fate turned the tables on Babette and you. Her mother died when she was near your age and she told us, she was going to be there for you above all else. How could she have known about Lockerbie. I can imagine you are beautiful like she was.
    I wish you a beautiful holiday, and thank-you for sharing.

  4. La mort de ma mère je ne peux l’oublier
    Son dernier sommeil me restera gravé
    Et comme en un rêve je revois encore
    Son charmant sourire, son visage adoré
    Que Dieu lui donne dans l’autre monde
    La joie, le bonheur qu’elle a tant mérités
    La mort de ma mère je ne peux l’oublier
    Ce fut trop cruel de nous en séparer… Maman, comment tu me manques !! je t’aime Je t’aime!!

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