Our Coordinators and Regions

Clipper Crew has members coast to coast in 24 states,  as well as Hawaii,  and internationally in Bermuda, England, France, Germany, Italy, Myanmar and The Netherlands – and we are only beginning!

What do Clipper Crew Coordinators Do?  Our Clipper Crew Coordinators serve as a focal point for members of clipper crew in particular regions.

  • Coordinators Responsibilities:
  • Arrange social events and/or outings in which Clipper Crew members can participate, meet one another and remain connected to their Pan Am family.
  • Send regional news and notices via email to other members keeping  us caring, connecting , and celebrating our legacy!
  • Solicit support if needed for a regional member.  Support can take many forms such as a list of organizations that could provide valuable resources to a member in need, jump seat therapy, well wishes from other members, encouragement, etc.  In times of natural disasters this support could also be a call for more tangible assistance. Clipper Crew Coordinators can call on all Clipper Crew members at any time for assistance.

If you are interested in becoming a coordinator please use this form to contact us!